Coach U 2 Excel

Reaching new heights in business performance

Coach U 2 Excel offers superb tailored services to our clients in three core areas

Leadership Coaching

Substantial business benefit and personal change can be generated through a targeted coaching programme for individual or groups of executives and managers. These programmes can be tailored to focus on key performance issues to maximise their effectiveness to the organisation and the individuals.

For your team, an initial three way meeting with the individual and yourself can add further value to the programme in terms of focus and motivation.

Coaching works best with those motivated to change and where the coaching content is kept private so we recommend that coaching programmes are always voluntary and confidential.

A typical programme might be 6 monthly face-to-face sessions, with specific agreed and recorded actions between each session. Telephone coaching is an option often favoured by private clients.

We are happy to come and meet with you , or arrange a conference call, to explain and demonstrate the benefits for yourself and your team. This can include a free coaching session. We are happy to run a pilot coaching programme to demonstrate the powerful benefits for those unfamiliar with corporate coaching. Check out our Client Coaching Feedback

Coaching Skills Development

We regularly run coaching workshops for clients, to help leaders ddevelop their team potential through coaching. Coupled with this we offer regular structured coaching support for leaders as they develop their skills following inital training at our workshops.

Leadership Team Development

Team building via a combination of off-site events and in-house sessions can dramatically increase performance via developing deeper collaboration and trust as well as leadership skills and self awareness. Coach U 2 Excel has successfully organised numerous highly memorable off site team building events, involving a tailored programme of high impact and low impact activities designed to develop a team in key areas agreed with the client. Check out our Client Team Development Feedback

If you would like to know more about any of these services please click here to contact us.

What do Leaders discuss with their Coach?

The simple answer is anything and everything. Your Coach is there to help you change, and wants to know where you want to go and what is preventing you from getting there. Typical areas discussed are leadership style, conflict management, influencing others, inspiring others, coaching and empowering my team, where am I going?, managing life/work balance, things that hold me back. Confidentially means it is a safe zone to be really open and honest, and hear feedback for someone who doesn’t have an axe to grind.

How do I choose a coach? 5 Top Tips

Make sure they have relevant professional training. Some coaches don’t have any (!) or are trained in a different specialism such as life coaching.

Find out what experience of your type of organisation they have, as a coach and in their ‘former life’. Shared experience means you can often move quicker, as you both talk the same language.

Talk to the coach, meet up with them, make sure you feel comfortable with them, that you gel. Ask yourself can you trust them and open up to them about yourself ?

Ask if they are a member of a professional coaching organisation. This means that they will abide by a code of ethics. Ask them if they have a coaching supervisor. Industry best practice is to have a supervisor that extends and challenges their skills, so they can provide the best coaching sessions for you. If they waffle, that probably means they don’t have regular supervision.

Promise Terms & Conditions

  1. All agreed actions from session one and two have been completed with due dligence
  2. Coachee has given sufficient time and space outside of sessions to reflect on content of sessions one and two
  3. Coachee has clear goals to work on for coaching ready for start of session one
  4. Request for refund is specifically made in writing, with full details of reasons and statement of compliance with these terms, before session three takes place
  5. Refund excludes travel and subsistence and the cost of any materials provided
  6. Offer only applies for new organisations not currently clients, and only applies to the first coachee in those organsiations to receive coaching
  7. Coachee is not receiving counselling or medical treatment for stress or psychological issues or facing disciplinary action